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Version: 3.7.0

📦 logger


¥An encapsulated logger for semantically formatting console messages.

鼓励 Docusaurus 生态系统中的包的作者使用此包来提供统一的日志格式。

¥Authors of packages in the Docusaurus ecosystem are encouraged to use this package to provide unified log formats.


它导出单个对象作为默认导出:loggerlogger 具有以下特性:

¥It exports a single object as default export: logger. logger has the following properties:

  • 一些有用的颜色。

    ¥Some useful colors.

    • red

    • yellow

    • green

    • bold

    • dim

  • 格式化程序。这些函数都有签名 (msg: unknown) => string。请注意,不保证它们的实现。你应该只关心它们的语义。

    ¥Formatters. These functions all have the signature (msg: unknown) => string. Note that their implementations are not guaranteed. You should only care about their semantics.

    • path:格式化文件路径。

      ¥path: formats a file path.

    • url:格式化 URL。

      ¥url: formats a URL.

    • name:格式化标识符。

      ¥name: formats an identifier.

    • code:格式化代码片段。

      ¥code: formats a code snippet.

    • subdue:抑制文本。

      ¥subdue: subdues the text.

    • num:格式化一个数字。

      ¥num: formats a number.

  • interpolate 功能。它是一个模板字面量标签。语法如下。

    ¥The interpolate function. It is a template literal tag. The syntax can be found below.

  • 记录功能。所有日志记录函数都可以用作普通函数(类似于 console.log 系列,但只接受一个参数)或模板字面量标记。

    ¥Logging functions. All logging functions can both be used as normal functions (similar to the console.log family, but only accepts one parameter) or template literal tags.

    • info:打印信息。

      ¥info: prints information.

    • warn:打印出应注意的警告。

      ¥warn: prints a warning that should be paid attention to.

    • error:打印一个错误(不一定会停止程序),表明存在严重问题。

      ¥error: prints an error (not necessarily halting the program) that signals significant problems.

    • success:打印一条成功消息。

      ¥success: prints a success message.

  • report 功能。它采用 ReportingSeverity 值(ignorelogwarnthrow)并根据严重性报告消息。

    ¥The report function. It takes a ReportingSeverity value (ignore, log, warn, throw) and reports a message according to the severity.

error formatter一句话

请注意,error 消息即使没有挂起程序,也可能会引起混乱。当用户检查日志并发现 [ERROR] 时,即使构建成功,他们也会认为出现了问题。谨慎使用它。

¥Beware that an error message, even when it doesn't hang the program, is likely going to cause confusion. When users inspect logs and find an [ERROR], even when the build succeeds, they will assume something is going wrong. Use it sparingly.

Docusaurus 仅在抛出错误之前立即打印消息时,或者当用户将 onBrokenLink 等的报告严重性设置为 "error" 时才使用 logger.error

¥Docusaurus only uses logger.error when printing messages immediately before throwing an error, or when user has set the reporting severity of onBrokenLink, etc. to "error".

此外,warnerror 将为整个消息着色,以便更好地引起注意。如果要打印大段有关错误的帮助文本,最好使用

¥In addition, warn and error will color the entire message for better attention. If you are printing large blocks of help text about an error, better use


¥Using the template literal tag

模板字面量标记评估嵌入的模板和表达式。interpolate 返回一个新字符串,而其他日志记录函数则打印它。下面是一个典型用法:

¥The template literal tag evaluates the template and expressions embedded. interpolate returns a new string, while other logging functions prints it. Below is a typical usage:

import logger from '@docusaurus/logger';`Hello name=${name}! You have number=${money} dollars. Here are the ${
items.length > 1 ? 'items' : 'item'
} on the shelf: ${items}
To buy anything, enter code=${'buy x'} where code=${'x'} is the item's name; to quit, press code=${'Ctrl + C'}.`;

嵌入表达式前面可以有一个 [a-z]+= 形式的标志(几个小写字母,后跟一个等号,直接位于嵌入表达式之前)。如果表达式前面没有任何标志,则按原样打印出来。否则,它会使用格式化程序之一进行格式化:

¥An embedded expression is optionally preceded by a flag in the form [a-z]+= (a few lowercase letters, followed by an equals sign, directly preceding the embedded expression). If the expression is not preceded by any flag, it's printed out as-is. Otherwise, it's formatted with one of the formatters:

  • path=path

  • url=url

  • name=name

  • code=code

  • subdue=subdue

  • number=num

如果表达式是一个数组,则其格式为 \n- ${array.join('\n- ')}\n(注意它会自动获取前导行结尾)。每个成员都单独格式化,项目符号不格式化。所以你会看到上面的消息打印为:

¥If the expression is an array, it's formatted by `\n- ${array.join('\n- ')}\n` (note it automatically gets a leading line end). Each member is formatted by itself and the bullet is not formatted. So you would see the above message printed as:

Some text output in the terminal, containing array, code, name, and number formatting